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The Collective Producing.
Supporting of your talent in exchange for sharing the fruits of your creativity!

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For Authors:


The goal:  This is the great opportunity for talented people who wants to become famous and successful. For those who wants to master and improve their skills in order to become a real professional.


After you  sign up, you can create your profile and post your Works by selecting the following category. You guarantee that the works are Yours and You are not a representer of products created by others, and you do not resell them.


Please post your Work in only one Category.     Avoid duplication and repetition.

Duplication of Work leads to negative legal consequences.

Thank You for understanding.


We don’t edit and improve Author's Works.

Violation of Terms of Use and the  Author Terms   is completely author’s responsibility. According to the Terms of Use and  Author Terms  the Authors transfer the rights of property of their Works, which they post on the website, as well as the rights to their future creative achievements in this Category that will be achieved due to their producing (including training, promotion, and advertising).


The validity of such producing has to be at least 90 months, with the further possibility of extension of the parties’ agreement.

Income received from the transferred rights are spread between the parties in accordance with the Pricing & Fees.

The revenue received from advertising of the individual Author’s pages on the website will be also taken into account. Author’s personal cash flow including transactions history and the final balance are presented in the corresponding profile tab.



PAY ATTENTION!   The Author can edit his Work only during the first 24 hours from the moment it was downloaded. So, please prepare everything in advance. The first payment stops the possibility of further editing copyrighted Work. The reason why you can’t edit your work after receiving the first contribution is that Co-producers (members,  who actually made such contribution) supported your creation just the way it was originally made. Of course, the Author has the right to use his Work for further editing and improvement - but that would be considered as a new, completely different Work.
In such case, please post your new edit work with the following words: a remake/cover, based on, etc.


Only in the BUSINESS Category, your edit work will be considered as the original version of the same project (V2.0). Because your business is a process that has no end and cannot be completed.


The Author's Works ranging due to the number of views, ratings, and comments. Works with the highest ratings can get into the hourly, daily, weekly or monthly TOP.
Works that are on the TOP positions gives the Authors right to create their own Funds which can be financed by Co-producers in order to promote you. A green label in the upper right corner of Authors avatars or their videos means that their works are promoted by Co-producers.



The status marks are represented by circles situated in the upper right corner:

- gray ring – means that Author have no Co-producers and his Works are not on the TOP positions. This author will not be able to receive promotion till realization one of the following steps:
 1) Until one of the Author’s Works will be placed in the top position; 2) When Author will make the
registration fee.
- green circle - the start of producing, from 1 to 100 co-producers;
- blue circle - from 101 to 1,000 co-producers;
- red circle - from 1001 to 9999 co-producers;
- The ImeStar Label - 10,000 co-producers (complete cycle).


The registration fee cannot be refunded since it is not possible to stop previous actions of promotion and financial support.


Co-producers are users who support Authors by making all kind of contributions. Co-producers are actively involved in developing Author's skills and abilities.
If the Authors wants to enhance their skills, they can subscribe to certain Lessons and Schools which provide teaching services. It is carried out by the financial contributions made by Co-producers. The main task of Funds is the financing of training that improve Author’s skills, as well as promotion and advertising Works and results of Author’s creative process. Co-producers which are managers or agents have the power to control the Funds. Constant feedback from users and fans which are interested in different creative Works gives the Author an amazing opportunity to become more successful. 

Partners (Mentors and Teachers) place on their Schools / Lessons.

Partner Schools / Lessons serves to share and transfer their own personal skills to solve different problems and tasks rather than just giving a traditional way of teaching. We believe that it is our very essential advantage in comparison with classical academic (sectoral) education, in anyway begging its contributions to fundamental science.

But right now, it is needed a response to the challenge dropped rapidly growing rate of future changes. Today, as a rule, we are preparing for something in the (distant) future; we obtain the knowledge that most of them are not using, as it is today, our vision for the future, always, or usually corresponds to the ensuing reality.


The Authors have the opportunity to subscribe to Partner Lessons and Schools. You can pay for this with the help of your own personal Fund. The Authors can also use the professional services provided by the Partners in addition to a subscription to Partner Schools. The list of such services is posted in the links in the Partner’s public profiles on the website. You can order these Partner services and pay for them with the help of Funds.

The sale of the Author’s Works rights or his Services can be made from the offer Buyers who are interested in this.
Co-producers with active Author's participation have the power to accept, reject or make a counter-offers.
The Author has the right of veto if something is unacceptable for him.

Refund of funds belonging to the Author is possible due to deducting money from a fee (see Pricing & Fees).


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